Post AD

Admissions in Bangladeshi Private University - Uttara University

University Name:  Uttara University 
Study Level:          Under Graduate 

Deadline:                None (Update On Their Website) 
Location:                Dhaka , Bangladesh

Admission Eligibility :

  • A student should have at least second division or minimum GPA 2.5 in both SSC & HSC or equivalent examinations or,

  • A minimum GPA 2.00 in SSC or HSC or in equivalent examinations, but total GPA not less than 6.00

  • A student should have five subjects in “O” Level and 2 subjects in “A” Level. Out of these seven subjects in these two examinations, Grade B or GPA 4.0 in any four subjects and Grade C or GPA 3.5 in other three subjects

  • For **Fashion Design & Technology: A minimum GPA 2.0 in both SSC/“O” Level &  HSC/“A” Level or in equivalent examinations

For the children of Freedom Fighters: A minimum total GPA 5.00 in SSC and HSC or in equivalent examinations

Required Documents For Admission:

1.   All Academic Certificates in original and photocopies

2.   All Mark Sheets/Transcripts in original and photocopies

3.   Three copies of colored passport size photograph

4. One copy of colored stamp size photograph

Tuition Waiver :
Along with the facilities mentioned above, brilliant and meritorious but poor students are allowed Tuition Fee Waiver. Siblings and spouses are also getting a waiver. Tribal, Disabled, Autistic and students from Freedom Fighters families are highly benefited by studying at Uttara University.

Tuition Fee Waiver System:

Merit ScoreTuition WaiverTuition Waiver
S.S.C & H.S.CS.S.C Or H.S.C
GPA 5.00100%30%
GPA 4.50-4.9940%20%
GPA 4.00-4.4920%10%
20 % Tuition Fee Waiver for Siblings & Spouses
for more details visit -

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